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Interested in our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy?

Read the ISEA Terms of Service (May 11, 2021).

Read the ISEA Privacy Policy (May 11, 2021).

Have you forgotten your password?

On a desktop or laptop computer:
  1. Click on the login icon (the blue person) in the upper right corner of the home page.

  2. Click on the "Forgot password" link in the bottom of the window that pops up.
  3. Enter the "Email" address you used to register your ISEA membership. If you do not remember your email account or no longer use that account please contact us so we can manually reset your email and password.
  4. Enter the code made up of letters and/or numbers that you see in the displayed picture.
  5. You will receive an email from ISEA.
  6. Follow the directions included in the email.
  7. You have now reset your ISEA password. Click on the login icon (the blue person) to login.
On a mobile device, like a smartphone or tablet:
  1. Click on the login icon in the top right corner (an arrow pointing into a doorway).
  2. Follow steps 2 to 7 above.

Trouble logging in?

On a desktop or laptop computer:

  1. Click on the blue person icon on the right side of the main menu.
  2. Enter your "Email" address.
  3. Enter your "Password".
  4. Click the "LOG IN" button.

On a mobile device, like a smartphone or tablet:

  1. Click on the login icon in the top right corner (an arrow pointing into a doorway).
  2. Follow steps 2 to 4 above.

How to find your profile?

To view your profile:

  1. Click the blue person icon on the right side of the main menu.
  2. If you are not logged in, log in (steps 2 to 4 above).
  3. Click the "View profile" link.
  4. You may now view your "Profile", your "Privacy" settings, your "Email subscriptions", your "Event Registrations", your "Invoices and Payments" and your "Donations".

To modify your profile:

  1. Click the "EDIT PROFILE" button.
  2. You may now modify the contents of your "Profile".
  3. Click the "SAVE" button at the top or bottom of the page to save your changes. Click the "CANCEL" button if you do not wish to save your changes.

    Want to review your privacy?

    To review the privacy of your profile information:

     1. First view your profile (see How to find your profile?).

     2. Click on the "Privacy" link.

    If you wish to change your privacy settings:

     1. Click the "EDIT PROFILE" button.

     2. Modify whether your profile is shown to others (fellow members or the public)

     3. Modify the privacy level of any profile details.

    Not appearing in the Member Directory?

    There are several easy to satisfy requirements that allow your profile to appear in the ISEA Member Directory:

    1. You must fill in the "Display Name" field in your profile.
    2. You must fill in the three "Artwork Title" (of the three Artwork Thumbnails you have uploaded) fields in your profile.
    3. You must be an active member of ISEA in good standing. If your membership has lapsed or ISEA is waiting for a payment for your renewal, your profile will not pass this requirement.
    4. In your Privacy Setting, you must set "Show profile to others" to on (see the "Want to review your privacy?" section above.)

    If you encounter any difficulties do not hesitate to contact us at

    Check your Directory Listing

    After you have entered the necessary fields, please check your listing in the directory to ensure that it represents you well. Test your links to ensure that your sites are easily accessible by people that want to visit them. All links should start with "www." and you can copy them from the address bar at the top of your window when you are visiting them.

    Occasionally artists find that their headshot appears sideways in the directory. If you run into this issue contact us at and we will resolve it for you.

    Member Directory etiquette?

    For an eye-pleasing Member Directory, we encourage all members to do the following:

    • Use a photographic head shot to represent yourself, rather than an artwork, an icon, or a photo of you creating. It is perfectly acceptable maintain your privacy instead.
    • Include works of art in the artwork thumbnails, rather than a manifesto, a photo of you speaking or instructing, or a photo of a reception.
    • When listing your sites, please do not double space the lines, taking up additional screen real estate.

    To allow your fellow members and the public to find out where you are from, please consider sharing your Display Country, Display Administrative Region (district, state, province, prefecture,...) and Display Nearest Municipality. Your detailed address will remain viewable by our administrators only.

    Supported internet browsers

    We recommend you use Chrome or Firefox to interact with this website. If you are unable to install one of these browsers on your device, you may still be able to use Edge, Safari, or another browser. (Internet Explorer is not supported)

    Javascript and Cookies will need to be enabled to interact with our site.

    To review the versions currently supported by our service provider, as well as any functionality restrictions, please visit the Wild Apricot system requirements page.

    Buttons not working for you?

    If buttons are not visible or not responding to your click, or if you cannot save changes to your profile,

    1. Log out. Refer to "Trouble logging in?" above.

    2. Clear your browser cache.

    3. Log in again.

    © ISEA

    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software