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OUR Executive Teams

Board Members

Patti Sevensma


Current term: 2021 - 2024

Leads the executive board. Leads the execution of key strategic initiatives, including the annual budget and the annual schedule of events. Serves on committees as required. Another key area of focus in her portfolio is the long-term strategy of the organization.

Kimberly Gill


Current term: 2023 - 2026

Provides insight and guidance to the executive board. Serves on committees as required. Supervises the preparation of budgets, financial statements and related reports, ensuring that the Board receives the financial information necessary for sound decision-making.  Files annual Secretary of State report for operational authority in the State of Michigan.  Supports the establishment of key strategic initiatives.

Marylu Dykstra


Current term: 2022 - 2025

Provides insight and guidance to the executive board. Serves on committees as required. Records minutes at the monthly board meetings and annual membership meetings. Additional support is provided for outbound communications for members, events, and initiatives of the organization.

April Rimpo


Current term: 2022 - 2025

Provides insight and guidance to the executive board. Serves on committees as required.  Areas of interest are Social Media, Website, AIT technical support, and Membership.  Acts as President in the absence of the President and other Directors.

Renee Kahn


Current term: 2025 - 2027 

Provides insight and guidance to the executive board. An area of focus in her portfolio is the management of exhibition set ups and submissions for the three exhibits held each year. Acts as President in the absence of the President and other Directors.

Bill Armitage


Current term: 2023 - 2026

Provides insight and guidance to the executive board.  Areas of focus in his portfolio are leadership, guidance of procedures, and writing and proofreading needed documents for ISEA.  Acts as President in the absence the President and other Directors.

Gary Eldridge

Member at large

Current term: 2023 - 2026

Provides insight and guidance to the executive board. Areas of focus in his portfolio is the annual catalog  and certificate development, printing, and shipping.  Investigation into new future website platforms for ISEA.


 LaVonne Marshall

        Member at large


Current term:  2023 - 2026


Provides insight and guidance to the executive board.  Areas of focus in her portfolio are volunteer coordinator, membership committee and 2024 symposium committee.


Steven Purtee

      Member at large


Current term:  2023 - 2026


Provides insight and guidance to the executive board.  Areas of focus in his portfolio are Intake Chairperson for the three exhibitions ISEA holds each year. 

Committee Chairpersons

Kimberly Gill and Marylu Dykstra 

Art Innovation Talks

Manages the planning, communication, execution, and broadcast of Art Innovation Talks on Zoom and YouTube.

The committee is comprised of April Rimpo, Haley Joseph, Jenni Bateman, Kimberly Gill, LIz Walker, Marylu Dykstra, Patti Sevensma and Renee Kahn.

Gary Eldridge and John Labots

Annual Exhibition Catalog

Manages the production and distribution of the annual exhibition catalog. Works with the executive board to engage graphic artists, proofreaders, and printers. Develops catalog content and obtains information about invited and award-winning artists and artworks.

The committee is comprised of John Labots, Gary Eldridge and Patti Sevensma.

Marylu Dykstra


Writes communications as directed by the President. Supports the development of the procedures manual and co-develops the annual schedule of events. The committee manages the quarterly newsletter edited by Mary-Jane Morris.

The committee is comprised of Marylu Dykstra, Mary-Jane Morris and Bill Armitage.

Kimberly Gill and Patti Sevensma 

Development - Awards, and Sponsors

Communicates with potential sponsors and donors each year regarding their participation. Maintains contact information for all potential sponsors and donors. Ensures sponsors and donors are thanked and benefits are provided as promised.

The committee is comprised of Kimberly Gill and Patti Sevensma with assistance from Mary-Lou MacDonald

Steven Purtee

Exhibition Intake

Manages the intake, organization, and publication of online exhibitions as well as the submissions for the Annual International Open Juried Exhibition. Communicates with artists in support of their submissions.

The committee is comprised ofSteven Purtee, Chairperson, June Galaz, Renee Kahn, Patti Sevensma, and Alisa Clark.

Moderating Team

Experimental Artists International Group

Collectively administers and moderates the "Experimental Artists: An International Community" group on Facebook. Leads the growth and stewardship of this community of experimental artists and experimental art enthusiasts, which provides a supportive, collaborative environment of fellowship.

The moderating team is comprised of Elaine Weiner-Reed, Liz Walker, Ruth Armitage and Laura Whitesides Host.

International Engagement

Pursues new initiatives to increase the engagement of international artists in fellowship, learning opportunities, exhibitions, and membership. Identifies barriers to engagement and develops methods to break those barriers in an equitable way.

The committee is tentatively comprised of Yang Li, Jeni Bate, Tara ChoateDoris Charest, Stacey Newbury, Dilys Jackson

Doris Charest and Joanna Coke

Jury Committee

Manages the recruitment, development, selection, and coordination of exhibition jurors and the development of jury guidelines and policies.

The committee is comprised of Joanna Coke. Doris Charest, and Patti Sevensma, Advisor

Marylu Dykstra


Keeps safe Corporate legal documents: Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Book of Resolutions, Operating Procedures Manual, and Book of Minutes. Creates additional resolutions and policies for approval by the executive board.

The committee is comprised of Linda Cowles, Marylu Dykstra and Velvet Rattelade.

Kimberly Gill and April Rimpo



Provides guidance and support to members with questions or concerns about their membership. Supports the maintenance of the member database.

The committee is comprised of Kimberly Gill,  April Rimpo with Volunteer Coordinator, LaVonne Marshall

    LaVonne Marshall

     Volunteer Coordinator

Manages recruitment of volunteers by working closely with the board and membership committee to develop job descriptions and methods of onboarding new volunteers. Drafts and distributes calls for support with email blasts and various other means as appropriate. Supports new volunteers by coordinating training with knowledgeable committee members. Offers ongoing support to volunteers.

Marylu Dykstra


Reviews and juries the annual members-only scholarship essays and awards a winner.  Communicates with the scholarship winner to ensure information is included in the newsletter, website, and social media.

The committee is comprised of Fran Dorr, Jean Griffin, Marylu Dykstra, Marsha Kartzman,  Liz Lystra, Linda Vroegindewey, and Elaine Weiner-Reed.

April Rimpo

Social Media

Posts images of ISEA exhibited works daily on social media (Instagram, Facebook) along with announcements, events, key dates and reminders.

The committee is comprised of April Rimpo, Kim Klabe, Dida Andr (Diana Andreeva), and Annette Shope

Jeannine Hamilton,

and April Rimpo


Maintains the subscriptions and configurations of sites, domains and web services (e.g. email, membership management, exhibition display, registration, social media). Supports the maintenance of content on some of these technology resources. Responsibilities as follows:  Jeannine Hamilton manages Blue Host (domain and email forwards) and RegFox.  April Rimpo supports Wild Apricot website edits. Steven Purtee manages SmugMug Exhibition setup and templates. Cindy Brown and Marylu Dykstra (Proofreading).

The committee is comprised of April Rimpo, Jeaninne Hamilton, Steven Purtee, Cindy Brown, Marylu Dykstra (Patti Sevensma, advisor).

Symposium Chairpersons

Nancy Hagood

2025 Symposium

Manages the design and development of the annual symposium through planning, branding, scheduling, acquisitions of sites, and recruitment of presenters, educators, and sponsors. Works with the executive board to execute agreements and achieve strategic goals.

The committee will comprised of Nancy Hagood, Chairperson,Tracy Lupanow, Aida Tejada, Renee Kahn, Christine Peloquin, Marilyn Bachelor, Vicky Lennon, Judy Gilmer, Muffy Clark Gill, Helen Wheatley and Nina Freeman. Advisor, Patti Sevensma

Renee Kahn

2026 Symposium

    Manages the design and development of the annual symposium             through planning, branding, scheduling, acquisitions of sites,                   and recruitment of presenters, educators, and sponsors. Works with      the executive board to execute agreements and achieve strategic          goals.

    The committee will comprised of Renee Kahn, Chairperson, April            Rimpo, Kat Manton-Jones, Fran Dorr, Patti Sevensma Advisor


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