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General Terms and Conditions for Venue-Based Exhibitions

Terms and conditions, and complete instructions for entry will be presented in the prospectus for each exhibition. This page provides only  general requirements. The prospectus will prevail in any cases of discrepancy between ISEA communications published in any email, website, social media account, or hard copy publication. Please review the prospectus very carefully!


All artists agree to the following:


  • Only one solo submission is permitted per artist. Only one collaborative submission is permitted per distinct group of artists. Each artist may be included in a total of two submissions: one solo submission and one collaborative submission.
  • All media are acceptable except dangerous materials.
  • Commercial reproductions of original artwork are not acceptable.
  • Artwork may not have been accepted in any prior ISEA exhibit.
  • Works completed in a workshop are not eligible for entry in any ISEA exhibition.
  • Size restrictions for 2D and 3D pieces change each year, set by the venue.  Please review the prospectus carefully for this information.

Signature Status

Acceptance into an ISEA venue-based exhibition counts toward Signature, Nautilus Fellow or Master Fellow status, but ONLY if the artist is a member of ISEA prior to acceptance.

Eligibility for other shows

Work accepted into an ISEA venue-based or online exhibition is not eligible for entry in any other ISEA exhibition.

Prize Winning Works

All prizes will be provided to the winning artists prior to thirty (30) days after the close of the exhibition.

Special requirements for ISEA exhibitions

Within the submission process, a written statement about the experimental aspects of the work is required. These statements are used to further ISEA aims of educating the public about the nature of experimental art, and enhancing how experimental artists are valued in their communities.  (in 1000 characters, including spaces, or less) 

ISEA asks our jurors to review this information and it is posted along with all accepted images on our social media and our exhibition site.

Naming and formatting your Submission

2D Submissions:

  • Images must be saved in jpg format.
  • Image resolution must be 300 DPI.
  • Image size must be 6 inches  or 1800 pixels on the longest side.
  • File size for image must be between 1 MB and 5 MB.
  • Naming:


e.g. VanGoghVincent.jpg

For physical works, size is in inches, specifying height x width x depth

For digital works, size is in pixels, specifying height x width

Size includes the image only, do not include matte or frame

Prices are generally in US dollars, but review the prospectus carefully for this information

3D submissions: 

  • Refer to 2D works for image format for 3D works.
  • Upload two views of your work - View A and View B
  • Naming:


e.g. VanGoghVincent_A.jpg


View is either A or B

Size is in inches, specifying height x width x depth

Size includes the image only, do not include matte or frame

Prices are generally in US dollars, but review the prospectus carefully for this information

Film/Video Submissions: 

  • ISEA attempts to include film/video artworks in its exhibitions, but may be limited by the capabilities of the venue and funding.
  • Please review the specific prospectus carefully for eligibility and submission requirements for film/video artwork.
  • Images must be submitted in one of the following formats: MP4, AVI
  • Media submissions only. Linked media not accepted (e.g. You Tube, Vimeo). Embedding audio or video links or code is not supported.
  • Video may not be longer than 10 minutes.
  • File size for the video must be less than 100MB.
  • Naming:

e.g. LamorisseAlbert_TheRedBalloon.mp4

Replace xxx with the appropriate format file type as in the example.

Digital Submissions: 

  • ISEA attempts to include digital artworks in its exhibitions, but may be limited by the capabilities of the venue and funding.
  • Please review the specific prospectus carefully for eligibility and submission requirements for digital artwork.

Not-for-sale Artwork:

  • First check to confirm that the ISEA exhibition prospectus allows NFS submissions.  Our venues do not always allow this option.
  • When submitting your piece, if NFS is allowed, name your submission  indicate your price as:  $ 0.00


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